Spring Update from Guatemala 2022

It was so great to connect with many of our supporters on Wednesday, April 25, as we shared testimonies to God's transformative work in Guatemala. You can view the update below, and if inspired, join these efforts or share with a friend! Thank you for your faithful partnership!

We invite you to explore some partnership options, one-time and monthly options, below.

Donate Now

We are seeking $270,000 to fully fund our Escuintla Justice Center, including one year of operations, the move to a new location, the addition of a new lawyer, and funding for a second car for legal errands. Every gift, large and small, helps, and we are grateful for your support!

Show Your Support Today

"Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless.." Isaiah 1:17 (NKJV)

Become a Safe Haven Champion

We are also seeking Safe Haven Champions who will give monthly to sustain our ministry to girls who have been impacted by violence and abuse - physical, sexual, and emotional.

Your commitment of $50 or $100 or more each month makes you a Safe Haven Champion and puts Christian caregivers in their lives who are dedicated to their emotional, physical, and spiritual restoration. We can only do this work with your support and prayers.

When you join the Safe Haven Champions' Team, you'll receive...

  • Welcome kit with specifics about the Safe Haven program and how you can stay informed and engaged
  • Life Declaration Cards: the first one with your welcome packet; then one per quarter until you've received the entire set of 16
  • Introductions and stories of individual children experiencing the miracle of a Safe Haven fresh start
  • Online devotionals that will connect you with the important mission of Safe Haven

You can follow the link below to sign up and become a champion for these precious girls and boys:

Sign Up Now


Kids Alive cares for children in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala, Kenya, Lebanon, Peru, and Zambia.


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