
Meet Kids Alive

We empower communities by helping vulnerable and trauma-impacted children & families.

Kids Alive International is a faith-based nonprofit dedicated to meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of vulnerable children and families. We believe that every child deserves a chance to live a life free from fear and trauma. Through our comprehensive programs and resources, we work to transform communities through a holistic approach that melds evidence-based practices with biblical principles.

The problem

The issue

Child abuse, sexual violence, & neglect

Globally, too many children face neglect and abuse, and too few communities have the resources to heal their wounds, strengthen their families, and empower them for thriving futures. The tragic reality is that abuse is unaddressed, children often don't heal, families are left on their own, and communities lose hope.

At Kids Alive International, we’re driven by the belief that every child, no matter their challenges, is cherished by God. Yet, far too many are unseen, unheard, and at risk. Inspired by Isaiah 1:17, we’re committed to championing these children. We seek justice, empower them for a brighter future, and work for positive change in their communities. With love and healing for every child we serve. We aim to create lasting change, tackling even the most challenging situations.

Our Process

Supporting and facilitating solutions

Identifying Issues: Kids Alive International works alongside local communities and national leadership to identify challenges and critical issues within a country that hinder children’s well-being, such as safety concerns and trauma prevention and intervention.

Designating Champions: We partner with individuals or groups aligned with our core values who lead efforts to address these issues. These champions help us drive change.

Sustainable Improvement: KAI works alongside communities, offering support and guidance for solutions that promote long-term impact and sharing the hope and love of Jesus.

Our solution

How we’re helping

Comprehensive programs for justice and healing

At Kids Alive International, we walk hand in hand with vulnerable children in schools, protective care, justice advocacy, and family strengthening by seeking justice that heals, empowering lives for a lasting impact that heals, and providing spiritual mentorship and discipleship with a #FaithThatHeals.


Preventative programs are intended to reduce trauma and provide early intervention. Kids Alive International seeks to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of vulnerable children, families, and communities.

These programs include holistic care, high-quality Christian education, nutrition, discipleship and mentorship, and systemic change. Kids Alive International schools offer scholarships and mentoring, and we provide technical and vocational training.


Strengthening programs provide holistic support to at-risk children and families. Through trauma-informed care, trainings, and resources, we address complex challenges. Kids Alive utilizes multidisciplinary teams of Christian professionals including social workers, psychologists, counselors, lawyers, and more.

We offer spiritual mentorship to refugee women and their children, and young mothers receive support to build healthy families. Strengthening programs help reduce risk factors. We work closely with families to build parenting skills, promote strong community, and share God’s love.


Kids Alive helps children who have faced trauma such as child abuse, sexual violence, and neglect. KAI offers restorative care solutions in the form of group homes, foster families, reunification, and, when no other path to family is possible, guardianships and local adoption.  

Our restorative programs not only offer safety but also healing and discipleship. We offer support for the families of children in our protective care, with a focus on family healing and reunification. We strive to restore hope and dignity for children, empowering them to thrive.


We advocate for more responsive systems that offer justice for children and families. We aim to reduce violence and exploitation in communities. In collaboration with local governments, we fight for children’s rights to access child-serving systems, such as education, social services, and legal justice.

We also champion the rights of children born in prison. We partner with local authorities to support victims of sexual violence and create a legal process that leads to healing.

Our values

The heartbeat of our organization

These values bring life to our team and give us purpose to support the children in our care. Our efforts are aligned with these values to ensure every child feels cherished, healed, and empowered.

We actively live out our faith, trusting in God’s unseen guidance and purpose for our collective mission. Our faith in God strengthens our unity and collaboration as we work together towards our shared goals.
We prioritize transparency, accountability, and honesty in every part of our organization - from financial stewardship to safeguarding policies protecting the privacy and safety of those entrusted in our care. We steward our resources, finances, and outcomes with integrity, building trust and credibility among ourselves and with those we serve.
We approach our relationships and communities with humility and empathy, prioritizing active listening, learning, and care. By seeking to understand before being understood, we foster deep connections and solidarity among children, families, local authorities, governments, and communities.
We remain focused on our collective mission and purpose, partnering with one another to complement our efforts. Through self-discipline and collaboration, we magnify the impact of our ministry and uphold our commitments to the vulnerable children and families we serve.
Despite facing challenges, we remain unwavering in our commitment to long-term community transformation. Our collective perseverance fuels our determination to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting change.
Devotion to God
As members of a faith-based community, we express our love and devotion to God in all aspects of our lives. We commit to connecting with God daily, worshiping Him in all things, and shining His light through our actions and relationships.
Mutual Kindness
We support each other with grace, respect, honor, prayer, and care, strengthening bonds as we walk together. By understanding the challenges children face as a result of child abuse and neglect, we can focus on creating a nurturing environment where they can start to heal and discover their own capacity for kindness and compassion.
Grounded in God’s unconditional love for us, we intentionally prioritize self-care and nurture our holistic well-being. By loving ourselves and others, we cultivate a culture of renewal and strength, empowering us to effectively serve our community with passion and compassion.
Our identity

we find our identity in christ and are committed to sharing his love with vulnerable children, families, & communities

Regardless of our role in Kids Alive, we believe that in Christ we are all valued, cherished, and called to love and serve others. By embodying these truths, we instill in the children in our care and families we serve a sense of belonging, worth, and purpose, empowering them to embrace their identities as beloved children of God and make positive contributions to their communities.

God’s Children

We are intrinsically loved by the Father, and we should reflect His love in thought, word, and action (John 1:12). At Kids Alive, we actively share that love with vulnerable children and families worldwide to promote justice, healing, and hope.


God is faithful and just to take away our shame and forgive us as we admit our failings, forgive each other, and grow to be more like Jesus (1 John 1:9). We help children understand that they are loved and accepted, free from shame and guilt.

Chosen for a Purpose

We are called to be God’s ambassadors as we represent Him in our homes, schools, work, and communities (John 15:16). We’re committed to laying the foundation for children and families to understand their worth and significance in God’s eyes.


When we are united in honor, respect, love, and reliance on God, we can do all things He calls us to do (Romans 12:10, Philippians 4:13). Through our programs and initiatives, KAI encourages children and families to find their strength in Christ.


We are the artwork of God, created to do marvelous works that He prepares us to do (Ephesians 2:10). Every child, mother, father, and team member we work with is a masterpiece, precious to Jesus, and worthy of love, justice, and healing.

Statement of Faith
  • We believe in the one infinite God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, and that, as the Son of God, He became incarnate by the Holy Spirit, being born of the Virgin Mary; that He truly rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and is now there engaged in intercession for us at the right hand of the Father.
  • We believe in the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, and that He is ever present and active in and with every true born child of God, and that He is present to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
  • We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and the New Testaments are given by divine inspiration; that they are the infallible, supreme, and the final authority in faith and life.
  • We believe that man was created in the image of God that he sinned, and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death or separation from God; that all human beings are born with a sinful nature.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures; that He, as the representative and substitutionary sacrifice for sin, obtained redemption by the shedding of His blood for all who believe in Him.
  • We believe in "that blessed hope," the personal and imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that all who repent of their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are freely justified by the Father, born again of the Holy Spirit, and thereby become children of God.
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the just and the unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost.
Financial Stewardship

Faithful in our stewardship of resources

We take seriously our responsibility to spend every dollar you give wisely and efficiently, in ways that honor the God we serve.

Our commitment to accountability, transparency, and efficiency allows us to consistently maintain one of the highest possible ratings by Charity Navigator. We invite you to learn more about our financials to understand how our resources are used.

Safeguarding Policy

Prioritizing security, respect,
& Dignity

Kids Alive International takes the safety of children very seriously. We believe children have the right to a happy, healthy, and secure childhood, and that child abuse in any form is an atrocity that is never acceptable.

For further information about our comprehensive Safeguarding Policy, please download our full Safeguarding Policy or contact us here.