Evan* is conflicted, and it's over a serious issue. After all, it concerns his future when he grows up. But it's a welcome conflict over whether to pursue a career in business or become a teacher. 

The 8th grader is dreaming big and that puts him ahead of many children in his neighborhood. With few resources and limited educational opportunities, it is rare for most children in his community to dream big. But that is changing.  

Evan’s father ekes out a living clearing farmland while his mother cares for the children and home. Lacking resources, both parents dropped out of school in the second grade, keeping them in a world of long, hard hours of labor with poor wages.  

Underresourced schools and poor educational infrastructure defines a child's future, often locking them into a cycle of poverty. Hence, most children in Evan's neighborhood wind up in the footsteps of their parents, harvesting sugar cane, coffee beans, or clearing land for cultivation. 

That cycle was broken when three years ago Evan transferred from the poorly resourced local school to the Kids Alive's Source of Hope School. This set Evan on a new path and new ambitions.

When asked to compare how school is different from his earlier schooling experience, he says, “At Source of Hope, the classes are more challenging, the staff and teachers are friendlier and I am learning more." 

Source of Hope staff strive to create a nurturing environment for children coming from at-risk situations by providing them with a holistic education. 

This holistic education includes meeting children’s all-round physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs. Evan is an active member of the discipleship group that meets at his school in the afternoons. He says he enjoys group meetings and being with his friends while learning more about Jesus. He’s made two close friends in this group and they've been a great support and comfort to him while he went through rough times. 

Source of Hope School has repeatedly exceeded education standards set by the Guatemala’s Ministry of Education. The fruits of this quality education can be seen in many students who, like Evan, are dreaming big and doing well to pursue their dreams. Those who once aimed to become hired farmhands like their parents now dream of becoming teachers, social workers, business persons, and doctors. 

We are so grateful to watch God breaking the cycle of despair which once held the village of Zapote in bondage. Evan is just one of the many examples of what God is doing here. 

*not his real name