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Model of Care Expansion – Latin America

Kids Alive’s model of care in Peru and Haiti continues to expand to reflect God’s perfect love which “casts out fear” (1 John 4:18).

Trauma Intervention

Within our country programs, we are building therapeutic teams that consist of social workers and psychologists. Therapeutic teams, alongside our caregivers, embody an expansion of KAI’s model of care to minister healing from trauma to the whole child – emotionally, mentally, relationally, physically, and spiritually.

Child Protection

As part of an expanding model of care to impact children and families with God’s whole love, Kids Alive has been strengthening and prioritizing the training of staff in child protection policies, procedures, and processes. We plan to add Child Protection Officers to our national staff on the field, and continue to raise awareness within communities, government systems, and institutions where we work.

Family Strengthening

Kids Alive’s expanding model of care reflects a global wave breaking across the globe to de-institutionalize child welfare systems, turning attention to family placements and re-integration of children separated from families. KAI supports restoration of children and families after careful evaluation, training, and follow-up.

Healthy Systems

A healthy system differentiates individual children within it to promote each one’s flourishing. In contrast, a child loses a sense of self in an unhealthy system. With at-risk and abused children, an over-reaching system can institutionalize and violate dignity. Thinking in terms of systems means collaborating with agencies and experts in order to change a child’s world.

Your partnership through gifts and prayer is increasing hope and expanding the world of vulnerable children in Peru and Haiti. Thank you!


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