Welcome to the Kids Alive blog!

Date:February, 2021

Developing a deep sense of belonging

02/08/21 By:

I love watching our children befriend new arrivals to the home, show them around the place while expressing their strong sense of belonging. Another thing I love is the change that can be seen with a child from beginning to end at the Ark.

Each day is a revelation of God’s artwork

02/08/21 By:

Each day reveals a different color of God’s expression of his artwork in our life. I enjoy envisioning the transformation of a life, imagining something finished right from its inception

ANIJA teachers – the hands and feet of Jesus in the community

02/08/21 By:

I love to help our teachers do their best in teaching, generate ideas for children’s activities, problem-solve for those who need help, and organize systems that support the vision to integrate trauma care into our work.

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